This past week started by heading to Lexington Ky to teach the Quilters’ Guild of the Bluegrass. Carol was a wonderful host who opened her home to Mother, June, Polly and I.

The class I taught was "Chinese Checkers"

These ladies were a blast.

I think I was making them work pretty hard.

In the next room my sister Polly was teaching my pattern "Spinning Pinwheels".

Polly was a wonderful teacher.

In the evening Polly and I gave a power point presentation. Polly's power point was called "Leaving a Legacy" and mine was called, "The How, When and Where of Quilting".

From Lexington we headed to the Knoxville AQS quilt show. This is my sister Julia who is holding a mug with her quilt "Ezekiel Saw De Wheel". AQS picked her quilt from this years book, "New Quilts from Old Favorites, Orange Peel". She felt very honored to have this quilt printed on this years mug.