Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mummsy enjoying a hammock ride with Brighton.

What is in the making with these new Robert Houffman solids? 

 Let's do some strip piecing and cutting.

 Tada ....we get a diamond chain.  The circles on the right of the diamonds are where I want to machine quilt my daisies.

 After quilting the daisies I take a hot iron and press the blue lines and they magically disappear. 

Mother is know for her gadgets.  The squirrels kept getting into her bird feeder so she made an extension with duct tape and a yard stick then spray painted it black.  It works great.

 A house full of young adults having soft pretzels and other yummy's after Bible study.

 Autumn and cousin Hannah sharing secrets.

 Time to go camping.  Terry, the children and I packed up and went down to the river for one night.

 Mother joined us for a steak supper.

 You can't go camping without corn hole...

 and smores.

 Parla's friend Wanda with Brighton.  Wanda and Parla worked together a couple of summers for the town of Bridgewater.

 The Clines out for ice-cream at Klines.

 Brighton thought the flavor of the week was just pretty tasty.

Keep posted.  I will be doing a blog tour the first part of August and giving away more "Simply Triangle" books!